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Scorch Torch Lighter

We surveyed six top of the heap Scorch Torch lighters over the latter 2 years. Uncover which Scorch Torch lighter matches you. You can also Filter by style or opt for one of our Scorch Torch lighter editorial picks.

61729 Max Series 45 Degree Choose Design & Color
Scorch Torch Single Flame Butane Refillable Torch Lighter
SCORCH TORCH Single Flame Clear See-thru Butane Base Torch L
Scorch Torch Single Flame Rocket Torch Lighter
Scorch Torch 60 Deg Angle Single Flame  Butane Refillable To
Scorch Torch -61523 Bowling Pin Single Flame Torch Lighter
Scorch Torch Single Flame Easy Grip Torch Lighter
Refillable Easy Grip Torch Lighter

Deals for Scorch Torch Lighter

The Scorch Torch lighter is an amazing tool that can help you light fires, this tool gives a bright neon color and it is sure to set your fires alight. With its help, you'll be able to cook up a ton of trouble for your enemies.

This is an 61501 Scorch Torch effortless grip Torch that can be used to light up, the Torch is fabricated of metal and presents basic grip handle. The Torch imparts a flaming hot flame that makes it practical for lighter refills, the Scorch Torch lighter is straightforward to handle and is unrivalled for lovers who itch for a facile to handle and look of torches. The Scorch Torch lighter is splendid for when you need a quickfire flame adjuster to help get the last of the heat on your butane lighter, the lightweight and uncomplicated to hold for uncomplicated access to a high volume of butane is why it's one of our most popular items. This is an 61312-4 refillable Torch lighter, it is a valuable buy at an effortless price. This Torch lighter is a top-rated addition to your storage or purchase, this Torch lighter also comes with an 14-hilor.
